Independent College Admissions Counseling
My Services
Expertise. Intuition. Ingenuity.
Distance Learning Support
My services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client. I work collaboratively throughout the entire process and guarantee measurable results. Contact me to find out how I can help today.
College Application Guidance
My clients are my number one priority, and my services prove just how committed I am to their success. Book an introductory meeting today to learn more about how I can make your business thrive.
Educational Counseling
Do you have a project or idea that you’d love to bring to life? Since founding my business, I’ve provided my clients with a wide range of consulting services such as this one. To find out more, get in touch.
Choose Your Path to Success
My goal is to help individuals and
New Product Introduction
March 2001
With this project, I helped my client set up a short term plan with long term benefits. I then provided expert advice and strategic planning to help them with implementation. Would you like to learn more about my services?
Process Automation
March 2001
This project is a great example of how I keep my clients’ best interests in mind. We started by conducting a thorough budget analysis, and slowly built a long-term plan for the next few phases. To learn more, contact me today.
Technology Acquisition and Training
March 2001
In the consulting industry, each situation is unique and requires a specific set of solutions. For this project, I helped my client define the ideal outcome for the situation, and through strategic planning we were able to achieve a great end result.
1 hr
19.99 US dollars1 hr
19.99 US dollars1 hr
19.99 US dollars1 hr
99 US dollars